Ableton Production Summer Camp in Georgetown! 8/19-23, 2024

Ableton Production Summer Camp in Georgetown! 8/19-23, 2024

Ever wanted to learn how to create and produce your own song? Well, we've got the answer! #SeattleDrumSchool Georgetown is now offering Ableton Music Production Summer Camp, August 19-23, 2024 Led by accomplished instructor & musician producer, Chris CD Littlefield, students will be shown the fundamental ins and outs of using #Ableton Live, one of today's top D.A.W. software [Digital Audio Workstation]. In this camp, students will explore: * Beat making & looping * Creating their own track/composition * Learn fundamental music production skills * Cultivate their own personal musical style * Live performance of group or individual project Camps…
Seattle Drum School: Where The Beat Never Stops

Seattle Drum School: Where The Beat Never Stops

Nestled in the heart of Seattle, Seattle Drum School of Music (SDSM) has been inspiring generations of drummers to pound out their inner rhythms since 1986. More than just a school, it's a vibrant community where passion for percussion pulsates through every lesson, band practice, and jam session. With two convenient locations in Lake City and Georgetown, SDSM caters to all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a wide-eyed beginner tapping out your first beat or a seasoned pro looking to refine your chops, their experienced and dedicated instructors will guide you on your musical journey. Their philosophy is simple:…
Jazz Combo Class (youth) with Andy Coe in Georgetown!

Jazz Combo Class (youth) with Andy Coe in Georgetown!

Call to get on our list for upcoming JAZZ COMBO CLASS! With Andy Coe at our Georgetown School. Mondays 5-6pm, for ages 10-17. Proficiency on instrument required (at least two years experience, ability to learn how to play songs independently). $110 per month tuition for currently enrolled students.$130 per month tuition for not-currently enrolled students. Call to register! 206-763-9700
New Year News(letter)!

New Year News(letter)!

New Year News(letter)! Click to Read! Check out Seattle Drum School of Music's New Year News! * 1-13-24 Seattle Drum School of Music Youth Showcase at Tim's Tavern, with Mo'Jams! * Student Showcase 1-27-24 * New Jazz Combo Band Class with Andy Coe + Rock Band openings (Georgetown) with Tige DeCoster * New Instructors: D Shane Smith Bass, & Nozomi Mumsie Momo Drums in Georgetown * Means for Dreams Foundation * Instrument Drive for One Vibe Africa * Seeking Subs + PT Professional Music Instructors * Events at The Lab at 1010 - Seattle Drum School Georgetown * Love your…
Instrument Drive for One Vibe Africa to April 15

Instrument Drive for One Vibe Africa to April 15

DRUM GIVING Instrument Drive for One Vibe Africa until March 15th, 2024. At Seattle Drum School of Music: 1010 S Bailey St #Seattle WA 98108. Learn more about the arts school in Kenya, the national Madaraka Festival, and more about this international nonprofit at #instrumentdrive #nonprofit #onevibeafrica #kenya #musicians #fundraiser
Call us for the Best Gift Ever!

Call us for the Best Gift Ever!

Call us for the BEST gift everrrrr.... GIFT CERTIFICATES! Give the gift of lessons! Seattle Drum School of Music offers Private Lessons with over 40 Instructors with expertise in nearly every instrument, in North and South Seattle and online, for all ages and skill levels. Just give us a call to purchase certificates, and we can email it to you to print and present as a gift. WWW.SEATTLEDRUMSCHOOL.COM Family owned since 1986. #supportsmallbusiness Lake City 206-364-8815 Georgetown 206-763-9700
Join our Music World: Admin and Production Work!

Join our Music World: Admin and Production Work!

Join our Music World Admin and Production Work! We have opportunity at our north and/or south Seattle schools to assist with Office Management, Event Booking & Management, & Marketing. Strong Microsoft / Google / software & data management skills required, along with a friendly approach to communicating with our students, instructors & clients! + Seeking Livestream Specialists and Live Audio Engineers at our Georgetown school to add to our on-call roster in support of school + client events. Email your interest & relevant skills to for Additional Information.
Music Production Lessons at SDSM!

Music Production Lessons at SDSM!

Looking to acquire some fundamental skills or enhance current ability with your music software or DAW? Well look no further, we've got you covered at Seattle Drum School of Music. ? Instructors are available to teach online collaborative sessions or in-person at our Lake City and Georgetown schools. Call us at 206-763-9700 or email #musicproduction#daw#garageband#reason#ableton#musiclessons#onlineclasses#seattledrumschool#smallbusinessSince 1986
New Youth Rock Band Class, Saturdays in Georgetown

New Youth Rock Band Class, Saturdays in Georgetown

Announcing a new Youth Rock Band Class in Georgetown! Starting in September 2023 Saturdays 3-4pm with Instructor Tige DeCoster. Play with a group and get performance ready! Drums. Bass. Guitar. Keys. Vocals. Horns. Requires instrument proficiency (minimum 1 year of training) + the ability to learn complete songs Our Rock Band Classes provide an ongoing band experience where the group can grow together. Tuition: $110/month for students currently enrolled in a monthly membership; $130/month for students not currently enrolled. Call us at 206-763-9700 to sign up... spots are limited!
“Beatles with Bob” – a new class for youth & adults

“Beatles with Bob” – a new class for youth & adults

Announcing a new class for youth & adults!BEATLES WITH BOB Bob Lovelace will lead both bands - learn music theory, chord progressions and harmonizing along to #thebeatles catalogue.🎶🥁🎤🎸🎹🎷🎺 Starting in September on Tuesdays at #seattledrumschool Georgetown. Tuition: $110/month (for currently enrolled students); $130/month for new students. Sign up: 206-763-9700
Seeking Music Instructor Substitutes for Summer!

Seeking Music Instructor Substitutes for Summer!

Seattle Drum School of Music is seeking high caliber, passionate Music Instructor subs (which lead to part-time ongoing Instructor roles) for afternoons / evenings and Saturdays for in-person, one-on-one, all-ages private lessons at our Lake City (north Seattle) and Georgetown (south Seattle) schools.   Immediate Summer Need for: ·  Voice ·  Guitar ·  Bass ·  Piano Please send: your resume including Instruction experience links to website / youtube / IG etc,  preferred location - Lake City (north) or Georgetown (south) or both,  Days & time frames of availability to ADMIN@SEATTLEDRUMSCHOOL.COM Or you can call us to discuss further at 206-364-8815
Now enrolling for Contemporary Band Camps in Georgetown!

Now enrolling for Contemporary Band Camps in Georgetown!

From Instructor Chris CD Littlefield (click for profile): "There's still space to sign your student up and have them come play some Funk, Jazz & whatever else we can think of. Last year was a blast and this year is shaping up to be even more fun. So sign up while there's still time!" Engaging, encouraging, collaborative, rewarding and fun!We will be exploring various styles of music such as Pop, Hip-Hop, Funk, Jazz, World beat & Classical. In addition, the ensemble will have the opportunity to perform both original and learned material in a final performance. Contemporary Band Camp for…
Summer Music Camps 2023 at Seattle Drum School of Music, Lake City & Georgetown!

Summer Music Camps 2023 at Seattle Drum School of Music, Lake City & Georgetown!

Now enrolling for Summer Music Camps 2023 at Seattle Drum School of Music, Lake City & Georgetown!Rock, Contemporary, Jazz Combo Camps+ introducing Digital DJ, Music Production / Ableton, & Littles Camps! ABOUT Seattle Drum School of Music Band Camps are an amazing experience for young musicians! It's their chance to unlock their creative potential, acquire rehearsal skills, and learn cooperation and teamwork. The band members will work with a full time coach who will encourage them to build their own sound and even to compose their own songs if they're interested!The final performance (Friday of camp week at 1pm) is…
Multi Grammy winning artist Brandi Carlile was at #seattledrumschool!

Multi Grammy winning artist Brandi Carlile was at #seattledrumschool!

Multi Grammy winning artist Brandi Carlile was at #seattledrumschool!She was supporting her young family members and their SmallTown Strings band for their first Veeps livestream! From The Lab at 1010 - Seattle Drum School Georgetown. Turns out that both Steve Smith and Kristy Smith have connections to Brandi, so we were lucky to capture this moment of them together. The band was incredible, kicking off their first national tour. The Livestream is still available at for the next couple of days, and we will be posting some clips as well. #allthecoolkids#grammywinner#brandicarlile#veeps#musicliveshere#seattle#pnw#livemusic#familyband#youngmusicians
New Class! “Musical World for Littles”

New Class! “Musical World for Littles”

New Class! "Musical World for Littles" 8 weeks of Group Instruction for 4-6 year olds Instructor Ava Chakravarti Songs and circle time to explore - percussions - guitar - bass - keyboards - drums - singing while playing with others. TUESDAYS 11am-12pm Starting April 4, 2023 Tuition: $200 for Eight weeks ($25/session) Or $30/single session (drop-ins subject to available room in the class) Seattle Drum School of Music 12729 Lake City Way NE, Seattle WA 98125 206-364-8815
Isolation Headphone Choices

Isolation Headphone Choices

As a drummer with a home studio, I'm always looking for ways to upgrade my space in the "sub-$300 price bracket" and in that quest, decided it was time to begin collecting isolation headphones. Not just as a hobby (we all have our quirks) but also to accommodate other musicians who come over and record/rehearse with me. My drums are quite loud, so having a somewhat sealed aural environment would make for a better experience for everyone. Plus, they also help to protect the wearer's hearing. This is not a review; that's a forthcoming story, but rather a piece to…
Seattle Drum School of Music in Seattle’s Child Magazine (2017)

Seattle Drum School of Music in Seattle’s Child Magazine (2017)

Seattle Drum School helps kids find the joy in rhythm Local musicians find value in letting children explore BY KATHERINE HEDLAND HANSEN PUBLISHED MARCH 2017 Steve Smith has loved performing since he took the stage as a kid in green-and-orange-striped bell-bottoms, a Nehru jacket, Apache scarf tie, and Beatle boots. “I was the rock star in my elementary school talent show,” recalls Smith, an accomplished drummer and founder of the Seattle Drum School. Now, he and his singer/songwriter wife, Kristy, thrive on helping other aspiring musicians perfect their craft through their music school, one of the largest in the Northwest. Here, students…
Article on Success feat. Seattle Drum School (2018)

Article on Success feat. Seattle Drum School (2018)

FTA: Creative and Professional Success for Independent Artists/Musicians Part One: What Defines Success? Article & photos by Jack Gold-Molina(June 2018) Defining success is something that preoccupies most professional artists. It could be making music that is creatively satisfying and will attract listeners. It could be marketing themselves effectively to get people to buy their music and attend their shows. It may also be achieving a very high level of musicianship, partly in order to be more competitive, but also to be certain that they are challenging themselves and putting in the countless hours of practice that it takes to…
SDSM Student on King 5: “8-year-old wants to change state hearing aid laws”

SDSM Student on King 5: “8-year-old wants to change state hearing aid laws”

Our drum student testified to WA State Legislature yesterday on House Bill 1222, which would require private insurance companies to offer hearing aid benefits. He was such a professional! Hugo’s family would immensely appreciate community support in pursuing this legislation. Please see how to support below the article/video. #thankyou UPDATE 2/3/23 Hello WA friends, Please click below and sign in as pro for HB 1222's public hearing in the Appropriations Committee on 2/8 where only 4 people have been asked to testify and Hugo and I are two of them! If this passes our insurance premium will go up by $0.40/month…
Our Very Own CD Littlefield Made The Cover Of EarShot Jazz!

Our Very Own CD Littlefield Made The Cover Of EarShot Jazz!

We are so proud of our Instructor Chris CD Littlefield, who is getting some long overdue attention for his contributions to the local Jazz scene via the pages of Earshot Jazz, a local juggernaut of what's happening in our local Jazz scene. Not to mention, he also teaches a range of trumpeters from kids to senior citizens so his attention to education and excellence to education glows and shines, as it ought to. Way to go, Chris! We Love You! FULL ARTICLE: