Minecraft by @shortbuspromo

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

By @shortbuspromo “Can’t wait to see y’all there! We hope you have fun :)Dress as your favorite video game character!Winner gets a prize 😎 October 11 at Seattle Drum School Georgetown…Ft:@v.s.d.band@midnightmorningmusic@sunbatherdie Disclaimer: SHOW UP EARLY! We are expecting to reach capacity. Also, this is an indoor show and therefore reckless behavior, vaping and smoking is prohibited… sorry folks. Thanks to @seattledrumschool for letting us put this on!” #minecraft #grunge #punk #seattle #music

Primm Tabernacle AME Church service at The LAB at 1010 + livestream

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

We are happy to host Primm Tabernacle AME Church Sundays at The Lab at 1010 - Seattle Drum School Georgetown, and to share their livestream for you to enjoy as well. 9am-noon Find their Livestreams: https://www.youtube.com/@primmtabernacleameseattle6452/streams

“Bi’ Değişik” Standup Gösterisi – Part 2

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

By @metinmcelik “Daha iri, daha diri. 😎 19 Ekim'de görüşelim. Bilet linki bio'da.” amerikadakiturkler #amerikadakitürkler #amerikadayasam #standupcomedy #yurtdışındakitürkler #yurtdışındayaşam #seattlecomedy


Seattle Composers Alliance Annual Meeting

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Seattle Composers Alliance Annual Meeting When: October 23rd, 2024 at 7:30 PMWhere: The LAB at Seattle Drum School (Georgetown)Join us as we close out SCA's 25th year of connecting Seattle's music creators to Community, Education, and Opportunity. In this SCA annual meeting, we'll be voting in Officers/Directors of the Board, welcoming new members, presenting a year-in-review, discussing ideas for 2025 programs, and celebrating! Open to members and non-members alike!

Youth Bands at Sunset Hill Neighborhood Halloween Party (Ballard)!

Sunset Hill Community Hall 3003 NW 66th St, Seattle, Washington, United States

Come out to Ballard for their annual neighborhood Halloween party at Sunset Hill Community Hall...but make it by 4:30 to see performances by some of the youth bands of Seattle Drum School of Music! Here's the details:"Welcome to Sunset Hill Neighborhood Halloween Fun!We hope you will join us for our annual Halloween celebration: Saturday, October 26, 2024 3:30 – 6:30 PM 3003 NW 66th Street, Seattle (Ballard) 3:30 – 4:30 PM Kids Costume Sidewalk ParadeThis is a great opportunity for kids and adults to wear a costume and participate in a low-key parade. We’ll have safety flags to help at…

“Family Ties” by South Sound Cabaret: Live + Livestream

FAMILY TIES: South Sound Cabaret is putting on our third show! Come join us for a night of oversharing, laughter, and tears as we explore the true meaning of family.  Sat, Oct 26th, 2024, 7:30 PM PDT At Seattle Drum School of Music, Seattle, WA & LIVESTREAM Get Tickets: https://www.ticketleap.events/events/south-sound-cabaret


Blues To Do – All Star Women Jam

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

October 27 women jam event flyer for Blues To Do. At Seattle Drum School. Tickets on EventBrite


Kenny Mac & Friends, Take 2!

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

YOU are warmly invited to KENNY MAC & FRIENDSJoin us for an evening of LIVE Contemporary Jazz and RnB! + A dance party hosted by Joe Colt. Featuring music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and present. Sunday | November 10, 2024 at 7pm The LAB at 1010 - Seattle Drum School of Music Georgetown:1010 S Bailey Street, Seattle WA 98108 We look forward to seeing you! TICKETS $15 (Free Parking)


Daniel Arthur Trio

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Pianist & Composer Daniel Arthur with his trio for an intimate show. Max Holmberg on drums, Moe Weisner on bass. 12/2/24 at Seattle Drum School Georgetown: 1010 South Bailey Street #Seattle 981087:30pm$15 at the door (Cash, Venmo, CashApp)


Seattle Composers Alliance party

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Join Seattle Composers Alliance For their annual holiday party! Sunday December 8, 6-9pm At The LAB at 1010 - Seattle Drum School Georgetown CONTACT: board@seattlecomposers.org seattlecomposers.org

Pop Up Poetry Slam Seattle

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

Excited to announce our second Pop-Up Poetry Slam Seattle, featuring the incredible poet and musician, Jozer Guerrero on December 10!Save the date and stay tuned on Instagram and Facebook at @Popuppoetryslamseattle or at www.popuppoetryseattle.com.for more details! #PopUpPoetrySeattle 🎟️ 🎟️ Ticket link is LIVE! https://www.popuppoetryseattle.com/event-details/episode-two-georgetown-poetry-slam-seattle-with-featured-poet-jozer-guerrero

BornDeadEnt: Dexter Shack live (all ages hip hop)

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

BY www.borndeadent.com/ Join us for our last show of 2024 With Dexter Shack featuring other local artists such as Abstract, SinTheSlime, Isaiah Banks and More!⭐️Featuring⭐️@dextershack@abstracttheczar@moussalangelo@isaiahbanksfr@99st.rose🏪Location: The Lab At 1010 | Seattle, Wa🏪🗓️December 21st 2024🗓️🚪7:00PM🚪🔞ALL AGES🔞⚠️Exclusive Born Dead Entertainment Merch⚠️🎟️ TICKETS $10 🎟️ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dexter-shack-tickets-1100199148269?aff=oddtdtcreator

Taxes for Artists: by Seattle Composers Alliance

The Lab @ 1010 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle, WA, United States

"TAXES FOR ARTISTS"presented bySeattle Composers Alliancewith speaker CPA Valerie Moseley.  Tuesday, January 28th from 7-9pmat The LAB at 1010 - Seattle Drum School of Music Georgetown$5 donation

Composers Grants: speaker series by Seattle Composers Alliance

the lab at 1010 S. Bailey Street, Seattle

The Seattle Composers Alliance is delighted to present information on grants available to composers in Seattle. Representatives from Artist Trust, 4Culture and the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture will share information on upcoming grants, guidelines, and answer any questions. They will also share printed information. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about grant writing, and find out what funding is available from these organizations! Many thanks to our sponsor, Seattle Drum School of Music. See you there! RSVP: board@seattlecomposers.org WHERE: The LAB at 1010 S Bailey StreetWHEN: 7:30PM

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